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1  Din Bölümü / Belgeseller / Acne (Take Care of Your Skin) : 08 Aralık 2011, 17:43:40
They have ab muscles so strong that you could hit them with a sledgehammer and still would not hurt them.  And even though you have the strongest ab muscles in the whole world, it's still likely to have a huge waist line.   The reason is that the super strong ab muscles are buried under many layers of fat tissue.  Did you notice the difference between both?  Ab machines can never make your stomach look SLIMMER or THINNER.   The real way to get a thinner waistline is to get rid of the fat tissue that is residing on top of your muscles in the stomach.  As they demonstrate the ab machine it may force you to think that it is easy and fun to use their ab machine, which is not always true.  These days Ab machines are being publicized all over the place especially on the late night infomercials which are mostly aimed at trapping the public to make them suppose that it is possible to "spot reduce" their stomach with a few ab exercises daily. .  The thing to remember here is that it is possible to make your abs very strong and firm, and still have tons of fat tissue covering your stomach, which stops your ab muscles from being visible.  It generally has a number of super-healthy and good looking fitness models with ideal abs.  Let us think about these infomercials.  Only then will you get a slimmer waistline.  The smile on the models face is misleading.  Nevertheless, they never tell you that they had this super looking abs even before even they heard of this machine.
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