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ãƒãƒ¬ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚¹è²·å– Compared to the conventional leather and fabric handbags, they are much lighter. The use of natural grass also fits in with the trend for environmental protection, while many handbags even come as natural straw to accentuate their appeal and probably even enhance health requirements for the product. Trend or Demand for Future Reusable Bag Industry The reusable bag is still the bag of choice for most occasions under the prevailing theme about environment protection isabel marant sneakers isabel marant sneakers. So people would strive to make it better, and the solution should be a bag that is, I mean many kinds of bag suited to different occasions 1 Easily folded flat, both for storage at the checkout counter and for refolding for the return journey 2 Relatively inexpensive to produce, so the supermarket and grocery stores would use it in greater amount not worrying about their cost control. 3 Made of durable, sustainable materials that give the bag structure but also keep it lightweight 4 Easy to carry, possibly in different configurations traditional handles, over the shoulder, etc 5 Has an appropriate strategy for endoflife disposal when it is finally properly disposed of after a lifetime of good use. 6 Not only durable and long lasting, but also attractive, comfortable and classy. The last point means that the reusable bags can also be connected to fashion..
ãƒãƒ¬ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚¹è²·å– Some clever children bankers in Goldmans London office crooked Greek dross into something more attractive not gold right, more like gilded dross. Their sell converted inconvenient billions of dollars of Greek debt into currency hedges that werent reported as subject liabilities isabel marant. All sides unnoticed the detail that the. Currency hedges were structured to mislay money for Greece in proportion to the debt being kim zolciaks christian louboutin shoes?DoublePlatform Slingbacks Pink, positive something left over for Goldman like about 300 million. This would be nothing more than a bad hoax on gullible Europeans, if monetary deceit hadnt become a leaning in Greece lasting to this day, and if the lousebitten fiscal practices had not spread to other countries. Now traders and journalists are comparing Greece to Lehman Brothers, or perhaps AIG, depending on whether they consider Greece will evade or be bailed out by the stronger members of the EU isabel marant sales. Greece has 53 billion euros of debt to rotate over this year save it is still duplicity and the number is superior..